shadowsocks server on Debian 7 32-bit Minimal

# From
# shadowsocks seems like another type of SSH,
# you configure the web browser for socks proxy the same as SSH
# you can route openvpn (TCP only) via shadowsocks with
# openvpn config line "socks-proxy localhost 1080"

# set up server
echo deb wheezy main >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get install shadowsocks

# Edit the configuration
nano /etc/shadowsocks/config.json

"server":"server IP",

# Start the service
/etc/init.d/shadowsocks start

# Check status of service
/etc/init.d/shadowsocks status

# Install Client on PC or phone, match config.json

# TIP: For server check installed versions is => libssl 1.0.0
dpkg --get-selections | grep libssl

# TIP: With Debian 6, I got the following error at, apt-get update
W: Failed to fetch Could not resolve ''
W: Failed to fetch Could not resolve ''
W: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

# solution: try 'apt-get update' again and again, can take 3 times

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